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ASTEME Robotics Team Advances to Regionals

Congratulations to our robotics team, The Pugineers, as they qualified for regionals in the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE. The team placed Top 15 overall for their robot design, innovation project, core values, and robot game. The team also won the Engineering Excellence award for designing a robotic arm with two motors. Share this:TwitterFacebook
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Model United Nations Team Competes at UCLA

Come show your ASTEME spirit at UCLA on Saturday, November 11th as our Model UN students represent Bulgaria in ECOFIN, Costa Rica in WHO, and Mali in UNDP. The team has been working on leadership skills, research, writing, public speaking, and problem-solving skills while coming up with solutions using life skills in the areas of
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JPL Field Trip

Our 5th-8th grade science classes will be taking a venture to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California to explore the secrets of the cosmos and dive into the world of cutting-edge space exploration. The students will be able to witness NASA engineers build JPL’s newest spacecraft, the Europa Clipper, that will launch in
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Multicultural Fair

As we gear up for an exciting new school year, we’re thrilled to announce an event that promises to be a highlight for our entire school community – the Multicultural Fair! Our Multicultural Fair is a celebration of diversity, culture, and unity, where students, families, and staff members come together to explore and embrace the
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